Welcome back to Kids Church Online. In term 3, whether we are online or in person we exploring stories where God does much much more than people ask or imagine. God can do that for us today too!
18th July
Bible Story – Moses in the Wilderness
Check out the video above.
If you want to read the story from the Bible there are lots of verses – here is where you will find them –
Manna & Quail – Exodus 16
Water from a Rock – Exodus 17: 1-7
Moses on Mount Sinai – Exodus 19:1-12
The Ten Commandments – Exodus 20:1-21
Questions to Discuss
Do your parents have rules that you have to follow? How do those rules make you feel?
When you don’t know what to do, who do you go to for help?
How can God’s rules help us today? What do you think it means to follow God?
Worship In Song
Use the music videos above or find your own songs to sing or tap along to. Perhaps you would like to make to make up your own using a Psalm in the Bible.
“With God’s Power Working in Us” includes the words from our memory verse.
Worship through Prayer
At the start of July is NAIDOC week. A time to celebrate the achievements of Indigenous people in our community and to pray for reconciliation in our country.
Use the video above to pray for our country and our people.
Reconciliation is a big word! It’s about recognizing the first people who lived in Australia (the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) and how they were mistreated for many years. It is about finding new ways to learn from each and live together in harmony. God’s rules encourage us to love him and love each other. This is one way we can do that.
A Verse to Remember