Kids – Check with Mum and Dad (or another grown up you trust) before clicking on the links!
Welcome back to Kids Church Online. In term 3, whether we are online or in person we exploring stories where God does much much more than people ask or imagine. God can do that for us today too!
Find and Share
Find a item in your house that helps you remember something special. It might be a souvenir from a holiday, a gift, a photo, award or something else. Share together with your family the items and what you remember.
In today’s story God told the people to put some rocks together to remind them about what God did – find out more in our story.
Bible Story – Crossing the Jordan River
Today’s story is found in Joshua 3 and 4:1-9.
God’s people were ready to go into the land God had promised them – but there was a big river in their way. How would they get across?
Questions to Discuss
What do you think it must have been like to stand at the bank of the Jordan River, knowing that God had commanded you to walk through it, but seeing only rushing water in front of You?
What does this story show us about God? God’s people set up some stones to remember what God had done. What do you want to remember about God this week?
Worship In Song
Use the music videos above or find your own songs to sing or tap along to. We have a playlist on Spotify with some songs that relate to our stories this term. Check it out here.
21 Days of Prayer
Today is our first day of 21 Days of Prayer. During this time we will be praying for what God has done, is doing and will do in the future for our church. There will be updates on Facebook and SMS and in the bulletin with ideas for things to pray for.
We’d love kids to be involved praying too. You will get some prayer ideas in the mail this week. But you can get started straight away by finding (or making) a rock and thanking God for what he has done. You could thank him for stories in the Bible, things he has done for you, or for our church.
Salt Dough Recipe
Use this recipe to make salt dough ‘rocks’ that you can paint and keep.
A Verse to Remember