Kids – Check with Mum and Dad (or another grown up you trust) before clicking on the links!
Welcome back to Kids Church Online. In term 3, whether we are online or in person we exploring stories where God does much much more than people ask or imagine. God can do that for us today too!
Bible Story – David and Goliath
Today our story occurred many years after God’s people came to live in the land he had promised them. An army had come to fight God’s people, but a young man named David showed that God could do much much more when David trusted him.
Read the story from the Bible here: 1 Samuel 17:1-50
Note to parents: This is a long Bible passage and there is some violence mentioned. You may wish to read the passage first and share a few selected verses, especially if you have young children.
Question to Discuss
What is something that seems big, like a giant, in your life?
Pray that God’s power will be working in you to much much more than you ask or imagine.
Worship In Song
Use the music videos above or find your own songs to sing or tap along to. We have a playlist on Spotify with some songs that relate to our stories this term. Check it out here.
21 Days of Prayer
During this time we will be praying for what God has done, is doing and will do in the future for our church. There will be updates on Facebook and SMS and in the bulletin with ideas for things to pray for.
This week we are praying for the future. We’re praying for the new things God will do through our church. Why not go for a walk with your family this week and pray for CBC sharing the good news of Jesus in Carlingford and beyond.
A Verse to Remember