Welcome to Kids Church Online 26th April
This week we’re taking a look at another story which happened shortly after Jesus came back to life. You can read it in – John 21.
Peter and the Big Breakfast
This story highlights Jesus’ love and forgiveness which are joyfully celebrated in two of our songs – So Great is Jesus’ Love and Your Love. Jesus also calls Peter to follow him (again) – a task that would ultimately be very costly for Peter. Yet Peter loves Jesus and chooses to follow him no matter what.
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, has been popular in our English congregation lately. I think Peter might have related to it as well. It highlights what Jesus has done for us on the cross, and what Jesus continues to do in our lives as we follow him, no matter what challenges we face.
Respond to the Story
Kids & Youth Ministry Survey
Please take a few minutes to fill in our Kids and Youth Ministry Survey. The survey has been emailed to parents and is also on our Facebook and WhatsApp pages.