- Vulnerable adults
- Child abuse
2.2.2.a Safe Church Concerns Anecdotal Record
2.2.2.b Risk of Significant Harm reporting form
- Procedure for reporting child abuse
- Disclosures
- Supporting a child after disclosure
- Self-care for leaders receiving a disclosure
- Reporting special cases
- Elder Abuse
- Our Responsibilities
- Definitions
- When to report
- How to respond
- Procedures
3.1.a Application Form – Ministry Leader/ Team Leader/ Team Member
3.1.b Application Form – Ad Hoc Helper
3.1.c Application Form – Junior Team Member
3.1.d Application Form – non CBC Attender
3.1.e Structured Interview Form
3.1.f Structured Referee Checks
3.1.g Ministry Conduct Covenant
3.1.h Ministry Conduct Covenant – non CBC Attender
3.1.i Health & Safety Rules
3.1.j WRBC 1 page WH&S policy
3.1.k Ministry Review Interview
3.1.l Ministry Review Reapplication For Ministry
3.1.m English Conversation Teacher Appraisal
3.1.n English Conversation Class – Feedback Form
- Expectations
- Support & development for leaders
3.2.2.aConflicts/Disputes Procedure
- Clear boundaries – Keeping the conduct covenant
- Contact with media
- Responding to allegations of sexual harassment
- Confession of illegal activity under state law
- Known sexual offenders in congregations
3.3.4.a Person of Concern Response Process
- Approval for ministry
4.1.1.a Approval for ministry
- Managing event and program risks
4.1.2.a Program/Event Risk Assessment
4.2.a Giving Children & Young People A Voice
- Information
4.2.1.a Child Information Form
4.2.1.b Parent Information Letter
4.2.1.d Child Sign Sheet and Information Update form 4.2.1.e
- Principals of responsible ministry
- Electronic communication
- Transportation
4.3.1.a Provisional Drivers Permission
4.3.1.b Volunteer Driver Information
4.3.1.c Transport Exception form
- Supervision of children
- Age specific issues (related to children & young persons)
4.3.3.a Sign in & Out template
4.3.3.b Event Permission Note
4.4.a Accident & Critical Incident Response Process
4.4.b Incident Report for Children & Young People
God calls us to love Him with all our hearts and to love others as ourselves. This underlies our desire to provide a Holistic Safe Church Ministry.
Holistic Safe Church Ministry refers to God-honouring, abuse free, harm free, person valuing and respectful ministry.
Holistic Safe Church Ministryincludes fulfilling and integrating the growing pastoral, legal, insurance, risk management, denominational and ethical requirements placed on local congregations. Policy, procedures and implementation support in duty of care; caring for vulnerable people; positions of power; codes of conduct; response to allegations of ministry misconduct and/or abuse; incident reporting; monitoring of practices; safe recruitment; supervision of leaders; and the preparation and conducting of physically and emotionally safe church programs and events are all a part of this ongoing work.
We have the following goals:
- To minimise the risk of abuse, ministry misconduct and the misuse of positional power within the church
- To ensure that all cases of suspected abuse and ministry misconduct are handled in a consistent, unbiased and thorough manner
- To ensure that leaders and programmes are safe
- To ensure that all people are respected and valued, irrespective of their gender, age, religion, race, heritage, socio-economic background or ability.
Our Safe Church Procedures are supported by:
- Creating Safe Spaces Recommendations
- Creating Safe Spaces Manual 2015
- Safe Church Policy 2017
- Responding to Kids @ Risk Procedure
- Crossing the Boundary for allegations of sexual misconduct for accredited or recognized ministers
Safe Church
–the foundation
God identifies classes of vulnerable people who are to be protected and given special care and treatment because of their powerlessness (eg Exodus 22:21-22, Deuteronomy 10:17-19, Jeremiah, Luke 6:20 22:2-4, James 1:27).
This policy takes into consideration all vulnerable people in our church, whether they be children, young people, elderly, those from different cultures, those with disabilities or the emotionally and or spiritually vulnerable.
Safe ministry is accountable and transparent ministry carried out in a team context. Ministry is safe when we view this as ‘body’ ministry or ‘our’ ministry, rather than ‘solo’ and ‘my’ ministry. Sharing in ministry then, is about nurturing each other, entering into relationships with each other, protecting each other and receiving ministry from each other.
A general description of duty of care is to do everything reasonably practicable to protect others from harm.
What is important in terms of legal implications is to be able to show we have done all that we could have reasonably done to ‘discharge’ our duty of care. In other words, have we done all we can to ensure that harm and/or distress have not occurred? Discharging duty of care then, includes implementing policies and procedures in order to protect people in our care from potential abuse or injury, and leaders from potential allegation of abuse or injury.
Transparency in ministry relates to the practice of being willing and able to show others how you are caring for people. Being transparent means not only doing the right things, but also being seen to do the right thing.
Accountability occurs best in the context of teams. When a person is part of a team by which they are supported, encouraged and provided with an appropriate level of accountability people are more protected from actions that may cause harm.
The growing demands on churches to comply with safety regulations, legislation around child protection, and insurance requirements for discharging our duty of care make it important that we have quality policy and procedures for church safety, based on good practice. It is important that we make leaders and congregations aware of these and how they are to follow them.
Required Procedure:
- All leaders and team members attend an Introduction to Creating Safe Spaces (or SCTA endorsed) workshop within their first year of ministry and attend a refresher workshop every 3 years
- All leaders and team members to attend additional ministry-specific training as required
- The Working with Children Check is a prerequisite for all paid and unpaid child-related work. Under Part 2, section 6oftheChildProtection (Working With Children) Act 2012, child related role or face to face contact with children in a related sector. Therefore at CBC anyone involved in face to face contact with children must have a working with children check. This includes anyone involved in transportation of children
2.Protecting Vulnerable People
Abuse occurs when one person misuses the power they have in a relationship with a less powerful person. The existence of positional power in church leadership makes a Ministry Conduct Covenant for leaders important. A sound understanding of this code and the need to uphold appropriate relationship boundaries will help to protect the less powerful person.
Child abuse can be defined as “physical, emotional, sexual abuse and or neglect resulting in harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity, often in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power”.
Children are not the only vulnerable people group in need of protection. A definition of a vulnerable adult is: “people aged 18 or over that access services, as defined under regulations, to alleviate the effects of physical, social, financial and/or psychological disadvantage”.
Anyone working with vulnerable people regularly is likely to come face-to-face with what may be cases of abuse.
2.2.1. Vulnerable Adults
Reporting abuse and other wellbeing issues in adults:
- Allegations of ministry misconduct or abuse by church leaders against vulnerable adults need to be reported to the Association of Baptist Churches NSW, and where criminal, to police
- For current situations-Report to the police where you have concerns of criminal offences by others – including sexual or physical assault. For Domestic Violence situations refer to the various organizations available on the NSW Police website or NSW Domestic Violence Website. In situations where people are in immediate risk of physical harm contact 000.
- For historic situations by others- contact the Professional Standards officer at the Baptist Association
- In suicide attempt/threat, or other situations where a person’s mental health may be placing self or others at risk of harm contact the ambulance / police / local mental health team
- For concerns about persons with intellectual or physical disability speak to your senior church leader and have them consult the Association of Baptist Churches NSW and mental health team
- Use Incident forms to record what has happened including descriptions of any injuries.
Association of Baptist Churches NSW p. 9868 9200
Eastwood Police 98589299 Ryde Police p. 9808 7401
Ryde Hospital p. 9874 0199
Domestic Violence Helpline 1800656463
2.2.2. Child Abuse
You have reasonable grounds for reporting abuse if:
- A child tells you they have been or are at risk of being abused (disclosure)
- Someone else tells you that they know of a child who has been or is at risk of being abused (third party disclosure)
- You have concerns that the child may have been or is at risk of being abused based on their physical appearance or behaviour (red flag indicators)
You are NOT required to establish or investigate whether or not abuse has occurred. Your role is only to report suspicions or concerns of abuse, or concerns for a child and the grounds for those concerns.
Refer to the CSS 2015 manual pp15-16 for more information on types and indicators of child abuse.
2.2.3 Procedure for reporting child abuse:
- Report concerns to the Safe Church Concerns Person (SCCP), in our church this is our Senior Pastor. The Children’s Ministry Worker and Youth and Young Adults Pastor are SCCP assistants. Reports can be made to them, which will then be passed to the senior pastor. This is to ensure that the SCCP is made aware of multiple concerns relating to an individual or family. In the case that the SCCP is not available or concerns relate to the SCCP, then you may approach one of the Elders who can assist you in contacting the Baptist Association. Do this as soon as possible.
Where disclosure occurs or children’s immediate safety (sexual or physical abuse) is at risk go directly to the onsite leader, who will in turn phone the police, and support the child. Reporting to the safe Church Person is CBC’s advised best practise policy this however does not negate you reporting the matter to the Child Protection Help line if you cannot contact the Safe Concerns Person at Church or are not satisfied with the response to your concerns.
- Complete appropriate form ie either Safe Church Concerns Anecdotal Record form or Risk of Significant Harm Reporting form. These forms are to be kept in the Church office in a locked draw or cabinet with only designated members of staff having access to the key. These records are to be kept indefinitely. They will only be accessed if a request is made by the Police, the office of the Children’s Guardian, the Baptist Churches Professional Standards officer or if subpoenaed by a court.
An Anecdotal record is used when making a report to a leader and before making a report to a government agency. It is a short written account regarding your concerns about a child. Anecdotal records can also be used to keep a record of behaviours by children or leaders that do not amount to being reportable but cause concern. If a pattern of behaviour in a leader causes concern this behaviour should be documented as stated above and then reported to Baptist Association Professional Standards Officer. (appendix 2.2.3.a)
Risk of Significant Harm form is a more detailed reporting form. It may be that a leader has received a disclosure or that a reporting officer has received a number of anecdotal records about a childand now wishes to make a formal report to a government agency.(appendix 2.2.3.b)
- The concerns person proceeds in an appropriate manner. The SCCP should use the Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG) online ( to help with this process. Reports of ‘risk of significant harm’ should be made to the Child Protection Helpline. Where a crime has been alleged, phone police. The SCCP may also contact the Baptist Association of NSW Insurance and Professional Standards Officer for further assistance.
Ongoing support: The church’s role does not end here. This is only the beginning, it is now the role of the church to support the child and family as much as is practical and possible.
Child Protection Helpline ph.132 111 or 133 627
Eastwood Police 98589299 Pennant Hills Police 98750799
Insurance and Standards of the Association of NSW. 9868 9213
2.2.4 Disclosures – If a child tells you that someone is harming them:
- LISTEN – You will need to write down exactly what was said.
- KEEP IT BRIEF – This is not the only time the child will have to share their story and you may actually harm an investigation if you ask for details.
- REASSURE – Let them know they have done the right thing in telling you.
- INFORM – Let them know what needs to happen – you will need to tell someone who can help.
- DO NOT INVESTIGATE THE DISCLOSURE – You don’t need to prove this. Do not ask leading questions.
- DO NOT DISMISS THIS –The validity of the accusation will be decided by professionals. Children rarely lie about such matters.
- DO NOT MAKE PROMISES – You may not be able to stop the abuse.
- DO NOT SHARE CARELESSLY – Don’t tell anyone who does not need to know, tell only your supervisor and/or Safe Church Concerns Person.
2.2.5 Supporting a child after disclosure
In a ministry situation it is highly likely that you will continue to have contact with the child after a disclosure. It is important to recognise that the child has disclosed to you because they trust you and feel safe with you. As you continue to nurture and minister to the child it may be useful to be mindful of the following: create a calm environment, engage in appropriate relationships, continue to include the child, provide an ordered program, assist appropriate behaviours, focus attention on the safe space.
2.2.6Self care for leaders receiving a disclosure
Each person has a unique response to receiving a disclosure or witnessing abuse. There may be some common reactions such as: shock, anger, sympathy for the victim and frustration.
It is important to debrief by verbally and emotionally, “unloading” your feelings about receiving a disclosure or witnessing abuse with your Safe Church reporting officer (at our church it is our Senior Pastor if not available contact Safety Team).
2.2.7 Reporting special cases
School Ministry
Those engaging in State school ministry programs should make sure they are familiar with the policy of the school about reporting. Teachers forming a reasonable belief should inform the Principal, unless the Principal is the alleged abuser. Ensure that your Safe Church reporting officer is also informed of the situation and requests from the principal the Government child protection agency reference number as proof of the reporting. If the principal advises they are not making a report or does not provide a reference number your reporting officer may make his/her own report.
Allegations Against Employees (Paid Or Voluntary)
When an allegation of harm is made against an employee or volunteer or where a leader exhibits behaviours that might be deemed abusive or as ‘ministry misconduct’, the first step is to attend to the safety and wellbeing of the child or person aggrieved and take steps necessary to prevent further harm to that or any other child. Then to seek advice from the Baptist Association. They will assist in following the reporting process and offer further support. Contact the Ministry Standards Officer at the Association of Baptist Churches NSW, ph. 9868 9200.
Identifying and responding to risks of abuse is only one aspect of protecting people. Helping people grow in self-confidence, confident with one’s own body and emotions, and the ability to make healthy decisions about their interaction with others and in self-awareness is a proactive and powerful tool in fighting against abusive situations and people. This is known as: ‘protective behaviours’ or the ability of a person to protect themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
As Christian leaders we can:
- Encourage people to trust their feelings
- Empower people to say ‘no’
- Foster an environment of transparency and confidentiality
- Establish and access support networks
- Equip people to recognize times of being at risk of abuse
- Give people a ‘say’; foster their voice
- Provide safe touches
- Fostering respectful relationships
Refer to the CSS 2012 manual pp19-20 for more information on these protective behaviours.
Required Procedure:
- All leaders are to report disclosure or suspicions of child abuse or risk of harm, using the procedure outlined
- Where a leader has an allegation of misconduct made against them, the BUNSW Complaints Process will be followed, including Crossing the Boundary for allegations of sexual misconduct for accredited or recognized ministers.
As the body of Christ, we have a duty of care towards older people who attend
our churches and ministries. We are all committed to ensuring that we provide a safe place and where people can feel free to raise any concerns they may have about the abuse or possible abuse of older people, and to have those concerns dealt with appropriately.
2.4.1. Our responsibilities:
- To assess the needs of the older person, and the older person’s carer if applicable, with a focus on immediate and longer term safety, and to identify concerns where older people are at risk of or have experienced abuse
- To provide information to the older person who is at risk or who has experienced abuse, and carer where appropriate
- To refer the older person to specialist services where appropriate
- To respect the persons wishes whilst taking into account the competence and overall safety
Elder abuse can take various forms such as physical, psychological or emotional,
sexual or financial abuse. It can also be the result of intentional or unintentional
- For Definitions and signs see the NSW Baptist Association Website- Elder Abuse Policy and Procedures.
- Suspicions that abuse has occurred may be aroused by physical signs and symptoms or by the behaviour of the older person. It is important for leaders to be aware of any sudden or unusual changes in the behaviour patterns of their participants or congregation members. If someone shows one or more of the possible signs of abuse, it does not automatically mean she or he is being abused.
- Consider the context. Concerns that require reporting may arise from a single
event or a pattern or series of events.
- Responding to the abuse of an older person is complex and requires the consideration of multiple factors. In any situation it is important to consider:
- Acknowledgement (of the abusive situation and of the older person’s wishes)
- Support (for the older person and their carers and family)
Safety (for the older person, carers and family, yourself and other leaders)
You must report to your Safe Church Concerns Person if you
have concerns that an older person is being abused. Eg:
- Indicators or signs of abuse or neglect have been observed, as per Baptist
Association Web Site(Elder abuse is a complex issue it is advisable to seek the advice of relevant agencies when interpreting indicators)
- You observe someone behaving towards an older person in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- An older person tells you that they are being abused by another person.
- A person tells you that they are abusing an older person.
- A person tells you that they believe an older person is being abused.
- You observe an action or inaction that may be considered abusive.
- Procedures:
- Where there are concerns for immediate safety:
- Remain calm. Consider whether you can safely take immediate action to stop the
abuse occurring, without endangering the person, yourself or other people.
- Call for assistance (team leader, ministry co-ordinator, Safe Church Concerns
- Person) or if alone get to a safe location and contact police and Team Leader
- If the abuse is of a sexual nature, seek immediate advice from the Police or Sexual
Assault Service.
- Do not attempt to ask extra questions about the abuse or to investigate in any way.
That is not your role. Reassure and comfort the person. Call for an ambulance if
- Complete an incident form. Record your observations or discussions that might indicate that abuse has occurred.
Where there are not concerns for immediate safety:
- Remain calm. Reassure and comfort the person. Report to, your leader and safe
Church persons. Record your observations or discussions. Notify concerns to
Manager Ministry Standards NSW Baptist Ass.
- Safe Leaders
It is essential that we are able to have confidence in the people who lead in our church. We need to exercise ‘due diligence’ when recruiting and supervising leaders.
Required Pre-Recruitment Procedure:
- all volunteers need to attend church for a minimum of 6 months before given the responsibility of supervision for a group of children.
- Volunteers will be appointed to clearly defined roles:
*Ad hoc helpers: help no more than 5-6 times a year and must not be given responsibility for or left alone with a group of children and are responsible to the Team Leader. If they help more often, they need to complete the team member application process.
*Junior Team Members: are those under the age of 18 who take on valuable roles under adult supervision and are responsible to the Team Leader.
*Team Members: conduct a program or event, are over the age of 18 and are expected to work together with other team members & junior team members and are responsible to the Team Leader.
*Team Leaders: such as Kids Church leader & Playtime leader, have responsibilities for an event or ongoing program and its team. Team Leaders are responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the church’s policies and procedures and are responsible to the Ministry Leaders.
*Ministry Leaders: are usually members of the Leadership Team and oversee a group of events or programs in a specified area of church life eg discipleship, children & youth, mission & community etc. A Ministry Leader is responsible for ensuring that these areas operate according to the policies and procedures of the church.
Required Recruitment Procedure:
- We will screen ALL prospective volunteers before they are appointed through an application process (application packs obtained from the office, see also appendix 3.1.a -3.1.d)
- Ministry Leaders, Team Leaders and Team Members will be interviewed by two people – including someone of the same gender if possible (appendix 3.1.e)
- Ministry Leaders, Team Leaders and Team Members in our ministries, will provide at least two referees, agree to follow the Ministry Conduct Covenant and follow the latest Working with Children Check Guidelines (for child related ministries) (appendix 3.1.f & 3.1.g)
- All applicants will be given a copy of the Safe Church Policy summary, Responding to Kids @ Risk quick reference guide, our Health & Safety Rules & 1 page WH&S policy (appendix 3.1.i & 3.1.j)
- At the end of each year the Team Leader will facilitate a ministry review of the program/team and their team’s ongoing commitment (see appendix 3.1.k & 3.1.l)
- Leaders under 18 are allowed on to teams but must be supervised. Once they turn 18 they must go through the required recruitment process.
There are occasions when it is appropriate for someone from outside CBC to serve in a church ministry, in which case:
- The ministry leader(s) will first carefully weigh the benefits of including someone from outside CBC (expanding the ministry, connecting the person themselves with our Christian community) against the potential costs (extra supervision requirements, reduced opportunity to build bridges into the ongoing worshipping life of the church community)
- Such appointments should always gain the approval of the Leadership Team before they are confirmed, or for short-term appointments the approval of the Senior Pastor.
- An example that might qualify is a teacher of the English Conversation Classes, who’s role isn’t primarily of a spiritual nature, or a ministry like Boys Brigade which might incorporate Christians from other Baptist Churches or denominations (endorsed by their own Minister) or sometimes others from outside as part of a big team working together.
- A modified Leaders’ Covenant will be used and must be agreed to (appendix 3.1.h).
- An enhanced supervision process must be in place e.g. for a teacher of English Conversation classes, a fellow teacher or church leader will sit in a lesson twice / year, & provide feedback for discussion, and students asked for feedback twice / year, and are notified of how they can provide feedback if they wish at any time. For someone coming in to assist with Boys Brigade, they should never have unaccompanied direct supervision of children. Every person involved with face to face children’s ministries irrespective of whether they are from outside CBC must have a current working with children check (appendix 3.1.m & 3.1.n)
Crèche: As Crèche helpers are primarily parents who volunteer to assist in basically babysitting infants and toddlers for approximately 45 minutes every two months. They are not required to go through the above recruitment process. However all volunteers in the crèche must have a working with children check and must complete the crèche Helper Form. Each helper will also receive a crèche Helper Letter that advises them of their duties and the safe practises of the crèche at CBC.
Parents leaving children in the crèche will also receive a letter explaining crèche policy. It is the responsibility of the Crèche Leader to conduct informal interviews and organise the roster so that inexperienced helpers work with more experienced helpers.
The components of healthy ministry supervision are: clear expectations, adequate ministry support of leaders, a commitment to develop leaders, a clear set of boundaries (code of conduct) for leaders, and a well communicated process for conflict resolution and complaints handling.
3.2.1 Expectations
Effective supervision cannot take place unless there are clearly understood expectations in both directions:
As a team member you could be expected to:
- commit to the aims of the ministry
- support other ministry team members
- fulfill your ministry role as described to you by your ministry or team leader
- undergo any training required for your ministry position
- attend ministry team meetings as required
- embrace the ministry code of conduct
As a team leader you could be expected to:
- commit to the aims of the ministry
- support team members and supervise them in their role
- fulfill your ministry role as described to you by your senior church leader
- undergo any training required for your ministry position
- embrace the ministry code of conduct
- ensure that all team members are screened, appointed and inducted effectively into ministry roles.
- ensure that your ministry program has been approved by senior church leadership
- ensure that your ministry program meets the requirements for Safe Leaders and Safe Programs
As a person in a ministry role within the church you could expect that your senior church leadership will:
- care for and uphold in prayer all team leaders and team members
- provide mechanisms to support and supervise all leaders and team members in their roles
- ensure resources (people, financial, administrative access and equipment) are available for approved ministry programs
- provide mechanisms to access approved ministry training
3.2.2 Support & Development for leaders
Role descriptions outline to whom a leader can go to for accountability & support. Support and development includes team meetings, praying together and planning together. It may include in-house in-services and external conferences.
There are clear procedures for handling complaints & disputes (appendix 3.2.2.a)
Required Procedure:
- We commit to ongoing leadership training, supervision and support for leaders
3.2.3 Clear Boundaries – Keeping The Conduct Covenant
A Ministry Conduct Covenant actively maintains appropriate boundaries rather than assuming that people know the boundaries. It provides a step by step process for loving leaders through a healing process when they break or damage the covenant (refer to appendix 3.1f and 3.1g).
When misconduct issues arise in leadership, we need to be prepared to deal with them. When minor breaches of the ministry covenant occur it is best to handle these with gentleness and love, at a local level, with the view to restoring the leader.
Occasionally a leader may commit a serious breach of the covenant, possibly in ways that are illegal. In such situations of serious misconduct or abuse allegations, contact the BUNSW for advice and assistance in the reporting process.
3.3.1 Contact with media
If the church is contacted by the media in relation to a critical incident or serious misconduct matter, they will be referred to the Senior Pastor who will consult the BUNSW BEFORE making any comment to the media.
3.3.2 Responding to allegations of sexual harassment
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 defines sexual harassment as an unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favours or other unwelcome sexual conduct in circumstances where the person doing the harassing knows that the conduct would offend, intimidate or humiliate another person. Sexual conduct includes statements of a sexual nature to a person, or in the presence of a person, whether orally or in writing. The Act makes it unlawful for an employer to harass an employee or a potential employee and for an employee to harass another employee or potential employee.
It is Church Policy that all complaints made to leadership or about leadership regarding sexual harassment will immediately be referred to the Baptist Churches Association of NSW who will begin an official complaints process.
3.3.3 Confession of illegal activity under state law
There are occasions where people wish to and/or are given the opportunity to ‘confess’ past sin in order to experience forgiveness and freedom from the secrets that bind them. When these sins are also illegal activity it puts the person hearing the confession in a complicated situation.
It is important to note that these matters are not always related to child protection and mandatory reporting of child abuse, of which there are clear responsibilities of reporting already set out in this document. But may involve other matters set out in the Crimes Act and Regulations in several states.
In all such situations where a confession of illegal activity is received, we will contact the Baptist Manager of Standards for assistance. Seeking advice will not negate any responsibility we have as law abiding citizens to report crimes to the proper authorities.
3.3.4 Known sexual offenders in congregations
If a known sexual offender – a Person of Concern – wants to be a part of the congregation the Senior Pastor will be informed who will then contact the Baptist Manager of Insurance & Standards following the 8 step process for responding to Persons of Concern (appendix 3.3.4.a)Baptist Churches of NSW p.9868 9200Insurance and Standards of the Baptist NSW p. 9868 9213
- Safe Programs
We affirm that all people have the right to be emotionally and physically safe, respected and have their views and opinions valued. Safe programs are transparent and accountable in relation to both procedures and relationships.
The senior leadership of a church is ultimately responsible for any activities that take place in the name of the church. For this reason every ministry must be approved by the senior leadership prior to it commencing.
Required Procedure:
- Team leaders will complete a written Ministry for Approval process annually and submit their plans to their Ministry leader who grants ministry approval (appendix 4.1.1.a)
Every activity has its hazards and its risks. Some are avoidable while others are not.
Required Procedure:
- Team leaders will complete a written Risk Assessment for their program/ministry to be reviewed annually and for specific events as they are planned. Risk Assessments will include understanding the context of the activities, identifying risks, assessing level of risk, consequences of the risk being realised, likelihood of the risk occurring as well as an action plan to minimise or eliminate risks that is then communicated to all leaders. (appendix 4.1.2.a)
To ensure that people are safe, the physical environment is only part of what must be considered. People’s emotions can also be harmed. Ensuring safe emotional environments is fundamentally about putting other people’s needs above our own agenda to ensure that a program runs successfully, respecting personhood, i.e. valuing individuals, their backgrounds, their personality, their hopes, dreams and fears. It is fostering a welcoming and caring ministry space, where people feel safe to share their ideas without being ridiculed.
Required Procedure:
- We will offer participants, including children, the opportunity to provide input in the programmes and activities in which they participate by fostering and valuing their ideas, and encouraging participation in all areas of the life of the church, as far as is sensible and practical (appendix 4.2.a)
4.2.1 Information
Obtaining information about people is essential if we are to be equipped to care for them, not only physically but also emotionally.
Required Procedure:
- We will obtain appropriate information relating to the programme participants, including children’s health and family situation, to ensure that we are able to care for their physical and emotional needs (see appendix 4.2.1.a – 4.2.1.c)
- We will update child information annually to ensure we have the most current information (appendix 4.2.1.d)
4.2.2Principals Of Responsible Ministry
Our leaders will be mindful of:
Diversity – cultural norms & expectations/taboos may differ as well as parenting heritages/traditions
The power of words – words can build people up or cut them down
Being private in a public setting – to encourage transparency
Communicating intentions – inform another leader if needing to speak to an individual
The power of role modelling – children will imitate behaviours they observe
The power of non-verbal communication messages – leaders can pick up on cues that a child has a problem & be aware of personal space
Responding to the needs of individuals – ask permission before offering physical comfort
More detailed explanations of these principals can be found in the CSS 2015 manual p. 36-37
4.2.3 Electronic Communication
The use of the telephone, email, social networking sites (eg Facebook) and SMS are a part of everyday life for many young people and children. In some ministry situations such as general communication and general pastoral care support may take place through electronic forums.
However, electronic communication may be used by those seeking to harm children and young persons. Electronic communication may be used to test or step over relational boundaries. We need to be mindful of the positional power dynamic that exists between those in leadership and the children and young people under their care.
- We require all leaders, team members and helpers to follow the guidelines for the safe use of electronic communication
General electronic communication guidelines
- Safe ministry is about ministering in teams, therefore interaction with children/young people in electronic forms should be carried out in a team context. The use of group emails, SMS from the team is good practice, indeed for all forms of electronic communication. Any personal emails sent from a church worker to a child or young person should
also be sent to the team leader (cc’d).
- b. Where possible and practical, and especially for communication to children under the age of 16 years, teams should inform parents or even seek parental permission before communicating with any electronic communication tool.
- c. Church workers (leaders) must not knowingly transmit, retrieve or store any communication that is discriminatory or harassing; derogatory to any individual or group; obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic; defamatory or threatening; in violation of any licence governing the use of software; for any purpose that is illegal or contrary to your conduct code.
- d. Church workers (leaders) must not send any electronic communication that attempts to hide the identity of the sender or represent the sender as someone else.
Telephone communication
- a. When telephoning a child/young person, call on the home phone if possible.
- Whenever possible ensure that the parents/guardians are aware of the phone call, e.g. phone the parents and ask if it is ok to speak with their child.
- c. Mobile phone use should be kept to a minimum and never be used for long calls, especially for pastoral care.
- d. If a child/young person initiates a mobile phone call requiring a long conversation, transfer the call to the home phone line.
Email communication
- a. All emails to children/young people should have a church email address carbon copied into them. Note: As carbon copying the church address into youth emails will clog up that mailbox, the staff may wish to create a purpose address for leaders to cc into their email.
- b. Emails should generally be restricted to purpose only emails e.g. “meet at this place“ or general conversations e.g. “how was the excursion today?” Pastoral care/ deeper conversations regarding more personal issues should be face to face.
- c. As far as possible save all emails to and from children/young people.
SMS communication
- a. SMS communication should generally be restricted to purpose only communication e.g. “meet at this place, at this time”.
- b. If a longer SMS conversation begins, phone the child/young person, preferably on the home phone.
Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Myspace etc)
- a. Internal mail should be restricted to purpose only messages.
- b. Writing on ‘walls’ should be kept to a minimum and only of a broad nature e.g. ”hey, hope you’re having a good week, cya Sunday” or other light conversations.
- Do not give out any details of children/young people on ‘walls’ e.g. name of school, email address, home address, phone numbers, etc.
chat rooms / programs (e.g. MSN, ICQ etc)
- Church workers should not enter into a closed conversation with a child/young person. If a child/young person invites you in to a conversation you should bring in a third party.
- b. Church workers should use discernment and wisdom when having a multi-person conversation. Your conversation should be above reproach.
Video phoning (mobile phone/internet)
- Church workers should not enter into conversations of this nature with children/young people.
- a. Any photos of youth/children’s ministry activities should be taken by someone appointed by the Minister or ministry coordinator and with parental consent.
- b. Do not photograph any child/young person who has asked not to be photographed.
- c. Photography should focus on the activity or small groups rather than individuals.
- Do not identify in writing the person/s in the photograph.
- e. All children/young people must be appropriately dressed when photographed.
- Only post photos of children/young people on the internet with parental permission as part of whole church communications and advertising.
- If you do find a photo of a youth/children’s activity posted on the internet by a young person, gently ask them if they have permission from everyone in the photo to post it. If they don’t then advise them to either seek permission or remove it from the internet.
- h. Do not allow children/young people to take mobile phone photos of church workers.
- Do not take photos of children/young people with your mobile phone.
Providing safe physical environments is essential if attendees are to participate in activities and grow to their full potential in Christ.
All leaders and volunteers have the responsibility to care for their own and others’ health and safety, taking reasonable care not to adversely affect the health and safety of others, complying with any reasonable instruction given by their church denomination or local leadership so far as they are reasonably able.
(see appendix 3.1.8 for CBC Health & Safety Rules summary and appendix 3.1.9 for CBBC 1 page WH&S policy summary)
The following policies need to be read in conjunction with our WH&S Policy which includes policies on risk management, alcohol and drug consumption, first aid, food handling, fire safety, emergency procedures & evacuation routes, smoking, occupational violence, electrical appliances & equipment, working from heights, stress, plant & equipment, control of hazardous substances, noise, safe manual handling practices, dealing with spills of bodily fluids, contractor safety, incident investigation, and WH&S training.
4.3.1 Transportation
Vehicles need to be driven carefully, observing the legal speed limits and road laws.
Required procedure:
- Responsible transportation is to be provided (road rule-abiding)
- At no time should there be more passengers in a car than the number of seat belts that are in working order and available for use
- All cars will be registered, in good working order and driven by licensed drivers
- Prior written consent will be obtained from a parent/guardian before a child or young person travels in a vehicle driven by a worker who possesses a provisional licence, except in the case of emergencies (appendix 4.3.1.a)
- All drivers should complete a leadership application form – drivers section (appendix 3.1.a) or Volunteer Driver Information form (appendix 4.3.1.b)
- Always have 2 adults in the vehicle if there is a child or young person in the vehicle, unless in exceptional cases noted below:
There are occasions when 2 or more young people can safely be transported with 1 adult, though never should 1 child be transported by 1 adult, except in an emergency
-permission should always be sought and received from the Senior Pastor or Leader of Children and Youth ministries using a transport exception form before transporting children or young people with less than 2 adults present (appendix 4.3.1.c)
-it should never become routine for children or young people to travel in a vehicle with less than 2 adults – permission can only be granted for one-off journeys
-if there is only 1 adult present, the back seats should be filled first
-if there is only 1 adult present, the last 2 children or young people will need to be dropped off together (eg. to one of their homes, for parents to arrange transport home for the remaining child or young person)
-examples where permission may be given are for group transport (ie. more than 1 vehicle travelling), with similar starting and finishing times, and similar starting and finishing places, over relatively short distances
-hire a community bus for events where possible
-2 adult leaders drive children / young people home, then come back to church to collect the other adult’s car
-have one adult leader first pick up another adult before picking up children / young people – and drop the children / young people home before dropping off the other adult
-arrange for spouses or friends to come on the trip to pick up or take home the children / young people
4.3.2 Supervision of children
Precise numbers of leaders required to supervise the program or event depends on the size of the group, their age and the risk level of the activity. A good guide is 1:8 to 1:15. However, with younger children, disabled and vulnerable adults more supervision is required, as with the level of risk involved.
Some important considerations for supervision:
- Junior team members are not to be counted in the supervision numbers
- In many cases, it may be necessary to have adult helpers onsite for supervision purposes
- No leader should be alone, one-on-one, with a child or young person. One adult with a small group is fine as long as there are other adults on site
- Children over 5 can be escorted to the toilet by a leader but the leader must remain outside at all time.
- When toileting very young children (under 5), the best practice is to have the parent come and toilet their child. If this is not possible, then two leaders go with the child.
- In crèche we advise that nappies not be changed by volunteers, the parent should be summoned from Church if necessary.
- Where possible, child/young person programs should have both male and female leaders to provide support for both boys and girls.
- In relation to camps or overnight setting, it is not advisable that leaders sleep in the same room as the children. Children sleeping in a room together without an adult present are at less risk than in circumstances which may give prospective abusers access to sleeping children. This practice also avoids the possibility of false accusations of abuse by a child towards a leader.
Required Procedure:
- We will ensure that there are adequate numbers of ADULTS to supervise activities. We will have a minimum of 2 adults in attendance or onsite, more depending on the level of risk involved.
4.3.3 Age specific issues (related to children & young persons)
The following requirements depend on the age at which the ministry is aimed.
Required Procedure:
- An advertised program -sent home to parents/guardians for the coming term
- A registration table – where children will come to register for the program each time
- Sign in/out sheet – for children under the age of 12 years old, to be signed by a parent/guardian (appendix 4.3.3.a) The exception is those children attending Kids Church Oasis.
- Permission notes – for all off-site activities for under 18 year olds (appendix 4.3.3.b)
- Discipline procedure – leaders to have an agreed discipline procedure appropriate for their age group
- Managing high risk activities – for activities and events for older children and young people that are off-site, follow the guidelines in the 2015 CSS manual p.34
A critical incident is an event or set of circumstances that have the potential to result in physical or psychological outcomes ranging from mild trauma to a fatality for one or more people.
Accident & Critical Incident Policy
- Information:
Ensure that all children’s & young people’s emergency contact information is obtained and is accessible in the case of an emergency, especially on any outings.
- Supervision:
Endeavour to have a minimum of 2 adults in attendance to supervise uninjured and injured children / young people.
- Notification:
In the case of an accident or critical incident, the ministry leader (or another assigned leader who isn’t administering first aid) is to contact the appropriate emergency services/authorities and contact the parents/ guardian’s emergency contacts.
In case of an emergency ring 000 for an ambulance
- First Aid:
First aid kits are located in both kitchens + 2 portable kits are available to borrow from the office. We will endeavour to have at least 1 on-site leader holding current first aid training for each ministry program.
- Closest Medical Centre/Hospital:
In the case of an accident or critical incident, the closest medical centre is at Carlingford Court Level 1 801 Pennant Hills Rd, Carlingford 98728155.andCarlingford Medical Clinic 372 Pennant Hills 87246300. The nearest hospital is Ryde Hospital, Denistone Road, Eastwood – 9874 0199.
- Transportation:
In the case of an accident or critical incident where transportation is required to be provided by the ministry leaders to attend a medical centre or hospital, we will endeavour to have at least 2 adults with the injured child / young person.
- Evacuation Procedure:
In the case of a critical incident that requires evacuation, be aware of and observe the Emergency Evacuation Procedure.
- Report
In the case of an accident or critical incident, please complete an Incident Report for Children & Young People and hand a copy to the Safe Church Concerns Person (Senior Pastor) and the original to the parent/caregiver.
Where the accident or critical incident involves an adult, fill in a Workplace Incident/Hazard Report form and hand to the church secretary.
Note: Both these reporting forms are found in a plastic holder / sleeve mounted on the notice board in the church foyer area and in the admin office For kitchen and Safe Food Policy see the folder in the kitchen.
Please refer to our WH&S policy Incident Investigation’ for more information on reporting and investigation of incidents
Required Procedure:
- All Leaders and members are to be aware of the Accident & Critical Incident Response Process (appendix 4.4.a – also located in a plastic sleeve attached to the notice board in the Church foyer and the admin office.)
- ALL Incidents requiring medical attention for a child or young person will be written up on an Incident Report (for a child or young person) – a copy filed in the office, the original given to the parent/caregiver (appendix 4.4.b)
- Where the accident or critical incident involves an adult, fill in a Workplace Incident/Hazard Report form and hand to the church secretary
- Incidents of a serious nature will be reported to the Baptist Association Manager of Insurance & Standards on 9868 9213 in consultation with the Senior Pastor
Appendix 2.2.2.a – Safe Church Concerns Anecdotal Record
Complete and give to your team leader
To be completed by a leader who wishes to report a Safe Church concern.
The completed form should be given to the team leader, who will pass the information onto the Safe Church Concerns Person, and then kept in a locked filing cabinet.
Name of organisation (church): _____________________________________________________________________________________
Safe Church Concerns Person: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Name of team leader: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of leader filling in this form: _________________________________________________________________________________
Age of person report is concerning:________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship to the person: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe your concerns, what was observed or what was said.
It is important to provide as much information as possible, basing your information on facts and observations, without making assumptions or jumping to conclusions or making “value” judgments.
Time and date of the incident or recording
Signed: _________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________ Time: ________________________
Appendix 2.2.2.b – Risk of Significant Harm Form
To be completed by the person who hears a disclosure or wishes to report a child or young person at risk of significant harm. The completed form should be given only to the Safe Church Concerns Person (SCCP), and then kept in a locked filing cabinet. The information will be used for reporting to the Government Child Protection Agency.
Name of Organisation (Church):………………………………………………
Safe Church Concerns Person:………………….……… ……………………
Details of person reporting alleged abuse/ RISK OF HARM
Name of reporter:………………………………………………… …………………………………..
Relationship to alleged victim:……………………………………………………………………………
Nature of alleged abuse: o physical o emotional o sexual
oneglect owitness domestic violence
Is this report due to a direct disclosure or reasonable grounds? (circle)
State immediate safety concerns: …………………………………………………………..
If Disclosure: Date: …………………………………….. Time: …………………………………..
Describe whyyou have ‘reasonable grounds’ for this report (add pages if needed). Include when and how you became aware of the information, names of other witnesses, description of any injuries, description of the behaviour of the child, the carer’s attitude regarding incident (if known). Where disclosure has occurred provide a first person report in this space. Record the child’s actual words (attach transcript).
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Appendix 2.2.2.bDetails of alleged abuse victim
Name: ………………………………………………………………….. Age: ………… o Male o Female
Phone: ………………………………… Parent/Guardian:………………………………………………………………………..
Names of siblings…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Names of known support people to the child and family ……………………………………………………..
Have the parents/guardians of the victim been notified? o Yes o No
If yes, person(s) spoken to: …………………………………………………………………… Date:…………………………
What were they told? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Details of alleged perpetrator of the abuse (if known)
Name: ……………………………………………………………………. Age: ………….. o Male o Female
Address:…………………………………………………………………………………….………….. Phone:………………….
Does the alleged perpetrator know about the report? o Yes o No
If yes, who spoke to him/her? ……………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………
What was he/she told? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Church’s response to alleged abuse/risk of harm
Safe Church Concerns Person (SCCP) notified? o Yes o No Date: ……………………..
Reported by whom? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of Govt Service call centre worker:……………….……………………………………………………..
Reference Number: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Have the police been notified? o Yes o No Date:………………….
Name of officer and station: …………………………………………………………… Date:………………………………
Advice given by police officer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signed: …………………………………………………. Date: ………………………..
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Appendix 3.1.a – Application Form – Ministry Leader / Team Leader / Team Member
Title Surname Christian name Previous names Male/Female (circle)
Home phone number: Work phone number: Mobile phone number: Email: Date of birth: Marital status: |
In submitting this form I am consenting to the information contained in this application including the subsequent pages to be kept by our church. I understand that this information will be kept in a confidential file and used only for screening and disciplinary purposes.
MINSTRY: In what area/s of ministry do you want to be involved, and why?
List any gifts, calling, training and/or education preparing you for this role:
List any experience, if any, which is relevant to this area of ministry:
List church congregations where you’ve regularly attended: Name of Church Suburb/State Position/Ministry Month/Year
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Appendix 3.1.aDo you have a current First Aid Certificate? YES / NO
Details: ______________________________________________ Expiry Date: __________________
SAFE MINISTRY CHECK: Have there been any incidents that you have been involved in, either directly or indirectly, where there has been a significant breach of safety or allegation of a breach of safety of children or adults? Examples include: sexual misconduct, violence, criminal offences, harassment or other forms of abuse. If yes, please describe the incident below:
Is there any other information relating to your suitability we should know about eg health issues?
Yes / No If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________
I consent to a Criminal Background Check and/or a Working with Children Check. If I have resided in another country, I also consent to an Australian Federal Police Check.
Signature: _________________________________
Please provide 2 referees (at least 1 must be from outside this church). Referees must be over 18, may not be family members and able to give a report (by telephone only) on your good character and suitability for ministry.
Referee 1 : Name: ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Referee 2 : Name: ________________________________________ Phone __________________________
I am willing to make a commitment to team leadership. In becoming a leader I agree to adhere to the ministry conduct covenant and to attend team meetings and in-service training.
I commit to this team for 12 months/ other___ at the end of which I will renew my commitment to the team or alternatively give my team leader notice that I wish not to continue in this role.
Please complete if you are willing to drive a vehicle as part of your service to the church.
Driver’s licence number: __________________ State of issue: _________ Expiry date: ____________
Type of licence: Car / Light Rigid / Medium Rigid
Do you have any restrictions on your driver’s licence eg Provisional licence, glasses? Yes / No
If yes, please note here: ____________________________________________________________
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Appendix 3.1.a
Have you been involved in any motor vehicle accidents while driving during the last five years?
Yes / No If yes, please describe each accident on a separate sheet.
Have you been convicted of any traffic offences (other than parking) during the past 5 yrs?
Yes / No If yes, please list number and describe each conviction on a separate sheet.
I, __________________________________ of ____________________________________________
do solemnly and sincerely declare that:
- The information I have provided in this application and the information contained in any document accompanying this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- I understand that any material misstatement in or omission from this questionnaire may render me unfit to hold an office in the Church.
- I have never been convicted of any offence relating to children or young people, either in NSW, any other state or territory, or any other country.
- I understand that where the nature of the work I am to do is with children and young people, it is my duty to protect them.
- I understand that it is out of my relationship with God that I am able to minister to others and will try to spend regular time reading my Bible, praying & attending church.
- I authorise any persons, churches or other organisations listed on this form to provide my interviewing supervisor with any information they have regarding my character and fitness for Christian ministry and I understand that commencement to this position will be subject to these checks.
Applicant’s signature ___________________________________________________________________
Declared this day ___________________ Month _____________________ Year ____________________
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Note:Please seek legal advice if you are uncertain about signing this document.
Appendix 3.1.b – Application Form Ad Hoc Helper
Ad Hoc Helper Application Form(help no more than 5-6 times a year)
Name: …………………………………………………………………. Age: ………………………
Present address: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Phone: ……………….. Mobile: ……………………. Email: ………………………………………….
Marital status: (circle)
Single Engaged Married Separated Divorced Widowed
Other names by which you have been known: ……………………………………………………
In what area of ministry do you want to be involved, and why?
List all previous church work and/or non-church involvement with this work in the past five years (supply names, addresses, phone numbers):
List any gifts, calling, training, and/or education preparing you for this role:
Any information relating to your suitability we should know about ? Yes / No If yes, please attach separate sheet.
- I have never been convicted of any offence relating to children, young persons or adults, either in NSW or any other state or territory.
- The information contained in this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
- I understand that it is out of my relationship with God that I am able to minister to others and will try to spend regular time reading my Bible, praying & attending church.
- I authorise any persons, churches or other organisations listed on this form to provide the Team Leader with any information they have regarding my character and fitness for working with children, youth or adults.
Signature of applicant: _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Note: Please seek legal advice if you are uncertain about signing this document. (Pag1 of 1)
Appendix 3.1.c – Application Form Junior Team Member
Junior Team Member Application Form
Name: …………………………………………………………………. Age: ………………………
Present address: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Phone: ……………….. Mobile: ……………………. Email: ………………………………………….
In what area of ministry do you want to be involved, and why?
List all previous experience with children: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………
List any gifts, calling and/or training preparing you for this role:
- The information contained in this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
- I understand that I need to be supervised by an adult leader at all times
- I understand that it is out of my relationship with God that I am able to minister to others and will try to spend regular time reading my Bible, praying & attending church.
Signature of applicant: _____________________________________ Date: ___________
Emergency Contacts:
Name: ____________________ Relationship: __________________ m: _______________
Name: ____________________ Relationship: __________________ m: _______________
I ………………………………………………………. as parent / guardian of ………………………………
affirm and support my son/daughter’s involvement in this ministry.
I give permission for any necessary medical treatment to be given in the event of illness or accident and for him/her to be transported by private car or ambulance to receive treatment by a doctor or at a hospital.
I give permission for photographs/video to be taken during activities for promotional use.
I give permission for my son/daughter to leave the premises for sporting activities where necessary and to be transported by private vehicle or mini bus by a responsible licensed adult.
Signature parent/guardian: _________________________________ Date: ___________
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Appendix 3.1.d – Application Form – non CBC attender
Title Surname Christian name Previous names Male/Female (circle)
Home phone number: Work phone number: Mobile phone number: Email: Date of birth: Marital status: |
In submitting this form I am consenting to the information contained in this application including the subsequent pages to be kept by CBC. I understand that this information will be kept in a confidential file and used only for screening and disciplinary purposes.
MINSTRY: In what area/s of ministry do you want to be involved, and why?
List any gifts, calling, training and/or education preparing you for this role:
List any experience, if any, which is relevant to this area of ministry:
List church congregations where you’ve regularly attended: Name of Church Suburb/State Position/Ministry Month/Year
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Appendix 3.1.dDo you have a current First Aid Certificate? YES / NO
Details: ______________________________________________ Expiry Date: __________________
SAFE MINISTRY CHECK: Have there been any incidents that you have been involved in, either directly or indirectly, where there has been a significant breach of safety or allegation of a breach of safety of children or adults? Examples include: sexual misconduct, violence, criminal offences, harassment or other forms of abuse. If yes, please describe the incident below:
Is there any other information relating to your suitability we should know about eg health issues?
Yes / No If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________
I consent to a Criminal Background Check and/or a Working with Children Check. If I have resided in another country, I also consent to an Australian Federal Police Check.
Signature: _________________________________
Please provide 2 referees (at least 1 must be from outside this church). Referees must be over 18, may not be family members and able to give a report (by telephone only) on your good character and suitability for ministry.
Referee 1 : Name: ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Referee 2 : Name: ________________________________________ Phone __________________________
I am willing to make a commitment to team leadership. In becoming a leader I agree to adhere to the Ministry Conduct Covenant (non WRBC Attender) and to attend team meetings and in-service training.
I commit to this team for 12 months/ other___ at the end of which I will renew my commitment to the team or alternatively give my team leader notice that I wish not to continue in this role.
Please complete if you are willing to drive a vehicle as part of your service to the church.
Driver’s licence number: __________________ State of issue: _________ Expiry date: ____________
Type of licence: Car / Light Rigid / Medium Rigid
Do you have any restrictions on your driver’s licenceeg Provisional licence, glasses? Yes / No
If yes, please note here: ____________________________________________________________
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Appendix 3.1.d
Have you been involved in any motor vehicle accidents while driving during the last five years?
Yes / No If yes, please describe each accident on a separate sheet.
Have you been convicted of any traffic offences (other than parking) during the past 5 yrs?
Yes / No If yes, please list number and describe each conviction on a separate sheet.
I, __________________________________ of ____________________________________________
do solemnly and sincerely declare that:
- The information I have provided in this application and the information contained in any document accompanying this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- I understand that any material misstatement in or omission from this questionnaire may render me unfit to hold an office in the Church.
- I have never been convicted of any offence relating to children or young people, either in NSW, any other state or territory, or any other country.
- I understand that where the nature of the work I am to do is with children and young people, it is my duty to protect them.
- I authorise any persons, churches or other organisations listed on this form to provide my interviewing supervisor with any information they have regarding my character and fitness for Christian ministry and I understand that commencement to this position will be subject to these checks.
Applicant’s signature ___________________________________________________________________
Declared this day ___________________ Month _____________________ Year ____________________
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Appendix 3.1.e – Structured Interview form
Leadership/employee – Structured Interview
Note: These interview questions are to be conducted by two Responsible Church Officers with applicant.
Ministry Role: _____________________________
- Can you describe more fully the reasons you desire to be involved with this ministry?
- Can you describe a positive experience in your past ministry?
- Can you describe a negative experience in your past ministry?
- Do you consider yourself a positive role model? Why/not?
- Is there any other information relating to your suitability for this ministry about which we should know?
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Appendix 3.1.f – Structured Referee Check
Structured Referee Checks
To be filled out by responsible church officer during phone contact with referees.
Applicant’s Name: ____________________________________________
Referee 1. Name: _______________________________ Ph. _________________________
Relationship between referee and applicant:
Length of time in the position and principal duties:
Performance, skills, knowledge:
Weaknesses, areas for improvement:
Any unsatisfactory aspects of performance relevant to the new position:
Other (specific to ability to perform new job):
Further comments by person doing the check:
Signed: Date:
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Appendix 3.1.f
Referee 2. Name: _______________________________________ Ph. __________________________
Relationship between referee and applicant:
Length of time in the position and principal duties:
Performance, skills, knowledge:
Weaknesses, areas for improvement:
Any unsatisfactory aspects of performance relevant to the new position:
Other (specific to ability to perform new job):
Further comments by person doing the check:
Signed: Date:
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Appendix 3.1.g – Ministry Leader Conduct Covenant
I agree to and will keep my team members on track in the following areas:
Maintaining a relationship with God through prayer and other spiritual disciplines is essential, understanding that it is out of our relationship with God that we are able to minister to others. This includes: praying for our team, for the protection of our ministry and the children and/or young persons, and attending a worship service and a small group of our church as often as possible. A leader living “in step with the Holy Spirit” will seek at all times to promote and encourage positive behaviour and self-esteem in children and young people (Gal 5:22-25).
TEAM WORK: Leaders/helpers need to work as part of the Spirit-gifted body of Christ, put together by God. We work best when we work as a body (1 Cor. 12).
ACCOUNTABILITY: Leaders/helpers will be accountable to each other, to live the life of a Christian leader. Openness, honesty and transparency are the keys to a protective emotional environment.
TRAINING: Leaders/helpers will be committed to ongoing growth and development. They will attend training opportunities as they are offered.
RESPECT: Respect the personhood of children and young persons, by giving them time and attention, showing respect for the opinions they express, and affirming their competencies. Encouraging participation by each child, regardless of race, colour, gender, creed or social status.
AVOIDING HIGH-RISK SITUATIONS: This includes never being alone or leaving another leader alone with a child or young person. Work with at least 2 adults with the children under supervision at all times. A leader must never be alone in a room or other concealed area with a child or young person, while engaged in a ministry activity of the church. This includes transportation, unless extreme circumstances occur. This also applies to camps. Leaders/helpers must not sleep in the same room as the children/young persons.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Uphold the privacy of children and young persons and as such, protect any information obtained about a child or young person, only giving the information to the ministry leader/accredited pastor as required by them.
COUNSELLING: When counselling, male leaders/helpers should counsel males, and female leaders/helpers should counsel females. Individual counselling of children and young people is permitted when the counselee has given consent to be counselled and understands their right to decline or conclude the counselling, and when in sight or hearing of other adult leaders/helpers.
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Appendix 3.1.g
RELATIONSHIPS: Understanding the unequal power between leaders/helpers and those who they lead, a leader will not engage young people (under 18) in “romantic” or intimate activities.
DUTY OF CARE: Exercise due care for the safety and well-being of children and/or young people. A leader must not physically hurt a child or young person. Limited physical restraint may be appropriate in order to protect children and young people from harm. No sexually suggestive or intimate touching is permitted, nor touching that could be perceived as such. Keep all ‘touching’ out in the open, e.g. no ‘back room’ hugs. A leader should dress appropriately. A leader must not use coarse or offensive language.
Date: ______________
Witnessed by:
Name:______________________________ (Responsible Church Officer)
Date: ______________
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Appendix 3.1.g
When the Covenant is damaged
What happens when leaders do not follow this covenant?
- Occasional/minor violations
Everyone sins and is forgiven (1 John 1:8-9). It stands to reason then, that everyone will breach the covenant. When this happens in an area that is not a breach of civil or criminal law, simply cease the conduct. If this is difficult, the person should see their team leader about receiving help (e.g. counselling). In some cases it may be necessary to step a person aside from their duties whilst this takes place. Deal with such matters confidentially.
- Unknown violations
Not all leaders will understand ‘unacceptable’ behaviours. Even after explaining the covenant some may be unaware they are exhibiting unacceptable behaviours. Leaders need to be open to correction and humble enough to modify behaviours so as not to discredit the gospel. As above, stepping a person aside from their duties may be necessary.
- Constant violations
There are breaches that are not a breach of civil or criminal law. Where a leader has been made aware of their behaviour and yet refuses to change:
- the ministry coordinator meets the person and for behaviour review meetings. Communicate required behaviour changes (up to 3 meetings).
- if the behaviour continues, a small group of church leaders are to arrange a meeting to address the behaviour. Stepping aside is appropriate at this point.
- if the behaviour/s continues beyond this meeting, then respectfully, and upholding confidentiality, the person will be stood down for a set period. They will be offered help in changing their behaviour via counselling if they are willing.
N.B. Written notes of all meetings to be carefully taken and a copy given to all parties.
- Breaches of the law or allegations of abuse
Allegations of abuse or serious misconduct are to be referred to BUNSW,
02 9868 9200
I understand this discipline process will be enforced for breaking the Leadership Covenant.
Signed: Date:
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Appendix 3.1.h Ministry Leader Conduct Covenant non CBC attender
- We minister out of a relationship with God.
- I profess faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
- I understand that I represent the church in my role, and therefore commit to serve in a manner that upholds the beliefs of the Carlingford Baptist Church.
- We serve others in the context of healthy relationships.
I will engage in healthy friendships with those to whom I minister by:
- loving and caring for my family; paying attention to the effect of ministry on them.
- treating others with respect; including being sensitive to cultural differences,
- proper handling of confidential information; I will not disclose to anyone (including spouse), any confidential information without the consent of the person providing the information. (There is an exception where there is a legal obligation or a duty of care issue).
- being a team player; cooperating with other ministry leaders, as there will be areas that overlap and someone else may have the advice that I need.
- using words that build up; avoiding words that ridicule or embarrass people.
- avoiding professionally counselling people with whom we have personal relationships.
- making alternative arrangements for pastoral ministry for any person if I begin to develop a romantic relationship with them.
- As a Christian Leader I will:
- have a servant attitude.
- be accountable to my team, watch out for each other and protect each other’s integrity e.g. when ministering to children have a buddy system in place (never alone with one child).
- obey the law, other than any law that is contrary to the Scriptures.
- not take property belonging to others, including intellectual property (copyright) and knowingly make false, misleading or deceptive statements.
- not engage in bullying, emotional abuse, harassment, physical abuse, sexual abuse or spiritual abuse of any person, including my family.
- not act violently or intentionally provoke violence when engaged in civil disobedience.
- be responsible in my use of addictive substances and services (e.g. prescriptions/alcohol).
- not use any prohibited substance.
- act with sexual purity. Sexuality is a gift from God. I will express my sexuality in healthy and God directed ways.
- act with financial integrity.
- have in place systems for accountability and transparency in financial matters.
- not engage in tax avoidance.
- not seek personal advantage or financial gain from my position, other than in wages, recognised allowances and deductions.
- disclose to the church leadership if I am or have been investigated for any criminal offences.
I, ………………………………………………… , agree to abide by this covenant.
Signed: Date:
Appendix 3.1.h When the Covenant is damaged
What happens when leaders do not follow this covenant?
- Occasional/minor violations
Everyone sins and is forgiven (1 John 1:8-9). It stands to reason then, that everyone will breach the covenant. When this happens in an area that is not a breach of civil or criminal law, simply cease the conduct. If this is difficult, the person should see their team leader about receiving help (e.g. counselling). In some cases it may be necessary to step a person aside from their duties whilst this takes place. Deal with such matters confidentially.
- Unknown violations
Not all leaders will understand ‘unacceptable’ behaviours. Even after explaining the covenant some may be unaware they are exhibiting unacceptable behaviours. Leaders need to be open to correction and humble enough to modify behaviours so as not to discredit the gospel. As above, stepping a person aside from their duties may be necessary.
- Constant violations
There are breaches that are not a breach of civil or criminal law. Where a leader has been made aware of their behaviour and yet refuses to change:
- the ministry coordinator meets the person for behaviour review meetings. Communicate required behaviour changes (up to 3 meetings).
- if the behaviour continues, a small group of church leaders are to arrange a meeting to address the behaviour. Stepping aside is appropriate at this point.
- if the behaviour/s continues beyond this meeting, then respectfully, and upholding confidentiality, the person will be stood down for a set period. They will be offered help in changing their behaviour via counselling if they are willing.
N.B. Written notes of all meetings to be carefully taken and a copy given to all parties.
- Breaches of the law or allegations of abuse
Allegations of abuse or serious misconduct are to be referred to BA NSW& ACT,
02 9868 9200
I understand this discipline process will be enforced for breaking the Ministry Covenant.
Signed: Date:
Appendix 3.1.i – Health & Safety Rules
- Smoking is not permitted within all Carlingford Baptist Church buildings and outdoor areas on the sites known as Cnr of Alamien and Pennant Hills Rd, Carlingford.
- Alcohol and illegal drugs are not permitted within all Carlingford Baptist Church buildings and outdoor areas on the sites known as .Cnr of Alamien and Pennant Hills Rd, Carlingford
- Food safety procedures as per ‘Food Preparation and Storage Guidelines’ are to be followed at all times.(see Food Safety Procedures Manual in Kitchen)
- Do not undertake work for which you are not qualified.
- All hazards are to be reported to the Work Health & Safety Officer (preferably in writing on the Workplace Incident/Hazard Report Form) so that they can be addressed.
- Ministry leaders are responsible for leaving their ministry area in a clean and tidy state.
- All workers and volunteers should be aware of and observe the Emergency Evacuation Procedures.
- All workers and volunteers should be aware of and observe the Workplace Health and Safety policy.
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Appendix 3.1.j – CBC 1 page WH&S Policy
Carlingford Baptist Church Work Health
and Safety Policy
Carlingford Baptist Church recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers and visitors and will endeavour to ensure they do nothing to place themselves or the local community at risk of injury or illness, as far as is reasonably practicable.
Carlingford Baptist Church will endeavour to
- Provide safe buildings, plant and systems of work
- Ensure compliance with legislative requirements and standards
- Provide employees, contractors and voluntary workers with information, instruction, training and supervision for their safety.
- Provide support that will assist workers in maintaining their psychological and physical health.
Responsibilities of Carlingford Baptist Church
- To provide a safe workplace.
- To implement Work Health and Safety policies and procedures.
- To promote actively and be involved in those policies and procedures.
- To provide the resources required to meet the church WHS commitments.
Responsibilities of workers and volunteers
- Follow all WHS policies and procedures
- Report all hazards identified to the WHS officer
- Comply with lawful instructions.
- Not behave in a willful and reckless manner
The church is committed to encouraging consultation and cooperation between church administrators and workers. It will involve all parties in workplace changes likely to affect their safety, health and welfare.
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Appendix 3.1.k – Ministry Review Interview
Ministry review
Leadership/Employee Interview YEAR: ____________________
CHURCH NAME:_____________________ MINISTRY COORDINATOR:_____________________
PROGRAM LEADER:_________________ PROGRAM NAME:________________________________
- Welcome the person/s (if completed in a team meeting), outline why you are getting together, i.e. talk about how the ministry has gone in the past year (or set time). That this a time for talking about the positives and negatives, what God has been teaching us and what we would like to change for next year (time). Be sure to affirm the person/team for the job they have done.
Minister to the person/team in love and comfort, don’t make it too formal. This is about learning from the wins and losses of the last year. One way to help them might be to do this in a setting that is informal, like around a meal or in a cafe.
NOTE: If you are having a particular problem with a leader do not embarrass them by conducting this interview in a team meeting, meet with the leader privately, it might be a good idea to take the ministry coordinator to the meeting.
- Use some of all of the following questions to help guide your ministry review interview
In what ways has God been moving through the program?
What did we do well as a team?
How did the program participant grow in their relationship with God?
How can our team better share ministry next year/time?
Ask members of the team if they are able to be part of the team next year/time? If the answer is yes then have them fill in the re-application for ministry form
Be sure to pray with the person/ team, before and after.
Appendix 3.1.l – Ministry Review Reapplication for Ministry
Ministry Review
Re-application for Ministry FORM
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Mobile: ___________________ Email: ___________________________________
Ministry program re-applying for: _____________________________________________________________________
Why do you wish to continue in this ministry role?
Is there any information relating to your suitability t o continue in this ministry role that we should know about?
- Yes – if yes, please list: _______________________________________________________________
- No _______________________________________________________________
Have there been any incidents that you were involved in, either directly or indirectly, which were of a child protection nature? Or have you ever, to your knowledge been accused of sexual misconduct or abuse? If yes, could you describe that incident, including your experience?
Team Commitment
I am willing to make a commitment to team leadership. In becoming a leader I agree to adhere to the team leadership conduct covenant and to attend team meetings and in-service training.
I commit to this team for _____ months at the end of which I will renew my commitment to the team or alternatively give my team leader notice that I wish not to continue in this role.
Signature of applicant: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Note: Please seek legal advice if you are uncertain about signing this document.
* All details revealed on this form and during the interview process are confidential and will be securely stored.
Appendix 3.1.m – English Conversation Teacher Appraisal
English Conversation Class Teacher – Feedback Form for Team Members
Teacher’s Name:
Purpose: To assist our teachers in their role to serve members of our local community by providing assistance learning English, providing opportunities for community and cultivating connections to the ongoing worshipping life of the church.
Category Yes No Comments
Classroom Atmosphere
Teacher creates a safe, comfortable environment where
learners are willing to take risks and use English
Cultural Awareness
Teacher demonstrates awareness of, and sensitivity
to, cultural differences
Instructional Examples
Teacher uses adequate instructional examples that
are meaningful, clearly illustrated and varied
Clarity of Visuals
Teacher’s visual presentations are clear
Variety of Modes
Teacher uses a variety of learning modes (e.g. see it,
hear it, say it, touch it, write it and read about it)
Teacher Talk Minimum
Teacher talk is minimised and students are given
ample opportunity to practice
Correction & Feedback
Teacher offers immediate feedback on students’ questions
and errors and knows what to correct and what to ignore
Teacher recognises “teachable moments” and adapts to
new situations that arise and accepts alternative answers
Teacher always complies with our Covenant and takes
every opportunity to give the appropriate Christian
perspective on the material being discussed
Signed: (Leader Giving Feedback)
Appendix 3.1.n – English Conversation Class – Feedback Form
English Conversation Class – Feedback Form for Students
Teacher’s Name:
#1 = Excellent
#2 = Very Good
#3 = Good
#4 = Just OK
#5 = Poor
How well does your teacher…. Rating
- a) prepare for class #
- b) make lessons interesting #
- c) teach at our level (not too hard, not too easy) #
- d) correct us (without interrupting or embarrassing us) #
- e) speak slowly and clearly so that we can understand #
f ) explain things in a way that we can understand #
- g) give us as much speaking practice as possible #
- h) make sure we can all use the new words and grammar #
- i) give us comprehension tasks #
- j) know what is difficult for us and what is easy #
- k) encourage us #
- l) give us feedback on our progress #
Is there anything the teacher does or says that makes you feel
uncomfortable in any way? If so, please explain
Student’s Name (optional):
This form, when completed, can be handed to the Admin & Communications person in the Church Office
Appendix 3.1o-Crèche Helper From
Name: ………………………………………………………………….. Age: ………… o Male o Female
Phone: ………………………………… Email…………………………………………………………………..
Are You a Parent (Circle) Yes No How old are your Children ……………………
List any gifts, calling, training and/or education preparing you for this role:
List any experience, if any, which is relevant to this area of ministry: (Being a parent, or having been involved in the upbringing of relatives is considered valuable experience)
How long have you been attending Carlingford Baptist Church…………………
Working With Children Number …………………………………………..
I last attended a Safe Spaces Workshop ………………… Month…………………..Year
I am willing to attend a Safe Spaces Workshop within the first year of being a
crèche volunteer YES NO (circle)
I have read and understand the Crèche Helper Letter (3.1p)and agree to abide by to Carlingford Baptist Church Crèche Policy.
Print Name………………………………………………………….
Appendix 3.1 p -Crèche Helper Information
Thank you for volunteering to be a helper in Carlingford Baptist Church Crèche. The Crèche operates during the worship service on Sunday morning for the 10am service. It also operates during combined services where times may vary. The crèche does operate on Good Friday, Christmas Day or a New Year’s Day that falls on a Sunday.
Your duties are simply looking after babies and toddlers so that their parents are free to attend the worship service. Your Crèche coordinator Jenny Cardwell, will conduct an informal interview to assess the experience of all crèche helpers so that she can roster the less experienced with the more experienced. When arriving at the crèche please make sure that there are no objects in the crèche that might be a choking hazard. All toys are carefully screened so this will be unlikely, however sometimes siblings enter and drop things. Remove and report any broken or dangerous toys or furniture. Helpers are not required to change nappies, nor supply food or drink to any child or baby unless they have made prior private arrangements with the parents of that child. Toddlers requiring toileting will be taken to their parents. Just watch the children carefully, keep them entertained and introduce them to the toys in the room. Once all children have left check for objects left behind and vacuum the floor if required.
All Crèche workers must have a current Working with Children number and complete a Crèche Helper Form (Green 3.1o)Please make sure parents dropping children off sign their children in and out. Any new families should complete a Child Information Form(Purple 4.2.1a), which you will find in a clear plastic sachet attached to the wall. Parents should also be given a Welcome to Crèche Letter( Purple 4.2.1e) also found in the sachet.
The Crèche keys are located in the cleaner’s cupboard under the stair in the foyer. You will find them hanging on the door jamb at head height on your left. The key to open the cleaner’s cupboard are located in the Kitchen pantry. Please make sure you replace all keys.
Crying Babies and Children and Concerns.
Some babies and toddlers have difficulty separating from their parents. Just do your best to pacify the child, but if they cannot be distracted or consoled. Take the child into Church and return them to their parent. In you have any concerns about a child seek advice from your crèche leader Jenny.
For a serious injury or incident call 000 before seeking help from the Church first aid officers. For minor incidents go into the Church service and request the parents and first aid officer to attend crèche. Complete an Incident Form (Purple4.4b), you will find these also in the satchel on the wall.
Unable to attend rostered Duty
If you are unable to attend you rostered duty in Crèche please attempt to swap with another crèche helper and let Jenny Cardwell know of the change.
Appendix 3.2.2.a Complaints & Disputes Procedure
Whenever an issue of concern arises, everyone involved should behave in a way that follows the biblical principles for ‘staying on top of conflict.’ This involves:
- seeking to glorify God above all things (instead of keeping ourselves happy);
- getting the log out of your own eye (instead of just blaming others);
- trying our best to gently restore relationships (instead of pretending the conflict doesn’t exist); and
- seeking to be reconciled to each other (instead of allowing relationships to suffer)
Please refer to the Peacemaker’s Pledge for further details and Biblical references.
It is also very important that we give priority to protecting the safety of vulnerable people. If strictly following the steps below might put someone’s safety at risk, then the process should be modified and you should take immediate action to ensure people are safe.
- Consider overlooking an offence. This is a form of forgiveness, and it involves a deliberate decision not to talk about it, dwell on it, or let it grow into pent up bitterness or anger.
- If the offence is too serious to overlook, clearly communicate your concern to the person directly involved or responsible for the issue of concern. It is usually best to do this face to face first, then in writing if you need to clarify something or if you aren’t satisfied with the response you have received.
- If the issue remains unresolved, approach a member of the Leadership Team whom you trust, and ask that one or more of the Leadership Team act as mediator(s) in a further discussion with the person directly involved or responsible for the issue of concern. In the first place, the role of the mediator is to facilitate respectful listening, clarify points of agreement and disagreement, promote confession and forgiveness, encourage identification of possible solutions, and compromise where possible.
- Should the dispute still be unresolved, the Leadership Team need to be informed, and they will assist the two people / parties seeking reconciliation to meet with an external facilitator who is a Christian with the appropriate skills. Should the dispute involve one of the Pastors, the Church Secretary (or an Elder) is to contact the Association of Baptist Churches and ask them to provide an external facilitator. The external facilitator will seek to bring about reconciliation and if required ask questions, give advice, propose solutions, but not arbitrate.
- If the Leadership Team believes the issue needs to go to the Church Meeting for resolution, or if either party to the dispute desires to take it to the Church Meeting, the Leadership Team will call a Special Church Meeting.
- It may be necessary for the Leadership Team to temporarily set aside from ministry one or both parties to the dispute, while the matter is still in process.
- The Church Meeting may ultimately decide it is necessary to remove from ministry and / or membership the offending person, or the person who has refused to be reconciled.
- Once a conflict has been resolved, confession and forgiveness given, the Leadership Team are to ensure that specific steps to rebuild trust are discussed, agreed, articulated and monitored. The Leadership Team will decide what form of final report is necessary.
Appendix 3.3.4.a – Persons of Concern Response Process
Appendix 4.1.1.a – Approval for Ministry
This is a written accountability tool for ensuring that you have done your risk management and are ready to run your program for the year/semester/ or event.
Church Name:_______________________________________________________
Name of Program:____________________________________________________
Where the program / event takes place:____________________________________
Time of program:_____________________________________________________
Program leader/s Name:__________________ Contact Ph:_____________________
Times available to the team:_____________________________________________
Name:__________________________ Contact Ph: __________________________
Times available to the team:_____________________________________________
Program First Aid person:______________________________________________
Emergency Numbers:___________________ Ambulance: ______________________
Local Fire brigade:_____________________ Local Police:_____________________
Safe Church Concerns Person:___________________________________________
Complete (and attach where appropriate) the following:
- Team list (team is large enough to safely run the program)
- Team have been trained, or will attend Safe church training this year.
- Team have been recruited & forms filed at church
- Housekeeping Risk Assessment Checklist completed
- The individual program risks have been assessed and negated or minimised. Attach safety plans for individual program risks.
- Participant information gathered (age appropriate information)
- All notes for permission prepared &/or collected as necessary
- Term program attached.
Appendix 4.1.2.a
Appendix 4.2.a – Giving Children and Young People a VOICE
To ensure that children & young people are given a voice, you may wish to try some of the following suggestions:
Evaluation forms: At the end of a term or semester provide the children or young people with a structured evaluation form – provide a space for their ideas. Keep it very simple and give them options for responses eg. a,b,c options they circle.
Planning brainstorming sessions: Engage children/young people in planning sessions at the end of each term or semester in which they offer ideas for upcoming term or semester in relation to Bible studies to be covered or events in which they would like to take part.
Question times: As part of your program, allow children/young people to ask questions relating to things that interest them, or about which they have concerns.
Ideas & question box: Allow them to anonymously provide questions and ideas about programming and about what they would like to study. Doing this anonymously will provide those who are more shy with an opportunity to have their say!
Child/youth-led church services: Children/youth can teach and lead adults in worship. Empower them by planning a service together, practicing it and then leading the adults in worship.
Appendix 4.2.1.a – Child Information Form
Church name: CARLINGFORDBAPTIST Program name: ______________________________________
Participant’s name: _______________________________________Year at School____Date of birth: ___________
Parents’ or guardians’ names: ___________________________________________________________________________
Home phone no: _______________________ Mobile: ________________________ Email: _______________________
Medical conditions: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please list any medical conditions or allergies, and any medication or special care they require.
DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: Is your child on a restricted diet? (please circle) Yes No
If yes, please indicate foods or beverages your child should not consume:
In Case of Emergency – Contact Numbers
Name: _______________________________________________________Relationship to child: _____________________
Phone: (h) ______________________________ (w) ______________________________ (m) __________________________
Alternative Emergency Contact
Name: _______________________________________________________Relationship to child: _____________________
Phone: (h) ______________________________ (w) ______________________________ (m) __________________________
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Appendix 4.2.1.a
- I authorise the leader in charge of the abovementioned group to arrange for my child to receive such first aid and medical treatment, as a trained first aid person may deem necessary.
- I authorise the use of calling an ambulance by a qualified medical practitioner if in his/her judgment it is necessary.
- I accept responsibility for payment of all expenses associated with such treatment.
Please read the follow statement and tick the boxes from which you wish to preclude your children:
- I DO NOT permit photos taken of my child to be displayed on notice boards in the church.
- I DO NOT permit photos taken of my child to be displayed in church publications, e.g. website, newsletters, brochures, etc.
Transport authority: If I am unable to collect my child at the finishing time they may be transported home from the program with the following people:
Name: ____________________________________________Relationship to Child: _____________
Name: ____________________________________________Relationship to Child: _____________
Thank you for providing this important information. The safety and wellbeing of your child is our primary concern.
Signature of Parent / Guardian: _____________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________________Date: _____ / _____ / _______
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Appendix 4.2.1.b – Parent Welcome Letter –
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
We would like to welcome you and your child/ren to Carlingford Baptist Church Kids Church program. Thank you for trusting us to provide a fun, safe place for your child/ren to explore the spiritual side of life.
At Carlingford Baptist, we understand the need to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for your child/ren. We have taken several proactive steps towards creating a safe environment. All youth and children’s leaders in our church are properly screened and recruited before they are allowed to work with children.
We have also implemented a Safe Ministry Policy. Part of this policy is that our leaders will abide by our Leader’s conduct covenant, which is displayed in the foyer.
In the interest of keeping your child/ren as safe as we can, we would ask that you take a few moments to complete the attached Child Information Form. All information on the form will be kept confidential in the church records.
All Children come into Church and begin worship with the adults, they stay with their parents until the Kids Church song sounds then they move to their class rooms. Kids Church ends at approximately the same time as the adult service. As part of our commitment to ensuring safety, we ask that you please pick up your child at this time, or inform us in writing of other transportation arrangements on your Child Information Form.
All Explorers, and Pre School, that is Pre School to Year 2 must be signed in and out by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. If you would prefer for your older child in Oasis children from Year 3 to Year 6 to be signed in and out then please make those arrangements with the Leaders.
It is Church Policy for Explorers and Oasis that leaders escort children to the toilet facility but remain outside. Pre-school Children will accompanied by two leaders, if this is not possible parents will be asked to come out of Church to assist. If you require different arrangements to these please see your program leader to make alternate arrangements.
During each of the school holidays the children are allowed to go upstairs under the supervision of parent volunteers. We would appreciate your assistance in supervising the children. Please indicate on the enrolment form when you can assist. If English is not your first language we will try to roster you with a parent who speaks Mandarin and English.
Thank you for your participation in helping provide a safe place for your child/ren. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us.
Yours truly,
Ministry Leader
Appendix 4.2.1.d – Child Sign on Form and update Information
Name of Programme……………………………….… Leader/ Coordinator…………………………………… Date…………………..
Name of Child
Sign In | Sign Out | Information Form
Complete |
Appendix 4.2.e Welcome to Crèche Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian
Thank you for allowing us to mind your child while you attend our Church Service. The Crèche at Carlingford Baptist Church is coordinated by Jenny Cardwell. Jenny oversees the crèche and arranges the roster. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions please ask for Jenny.
Our helpers in the crèche are generally parents; most no longer have children or babies in the crèche but volunteer as they know the value of being able to attend the service while children are cared for.
There is no actual formal training required to be a Crèche volunteer however all Crèche helpers must have a current working with children check and agree to do the Safe Spaces Workshop approved by the Australian Council of Churches.
Crèche helpers do not change nappies nor take children to the toilet. They will come to the Church and ask parents to do these things if required. They do not supply food or drink. However you may leave drinks for toddlers provided they are clearly labelled.
Please take the time to fill in a Child Information form. These are important so that helpers are aware of any medical conditions or allergies.
All children and babies must be signed in and out of the crèche
Please feel free to read our Church Helper Information Form which is displayed on the crèche wall.
Appendix 4.3.1.a – Provisional Licence Permission
Permission to travel with driver on Provisional Licence
I, _________________________ , give permission for my son / daughter, _________________________ , to travel in a car driven by _________________________ . I give this permission understanding that this driver is driving on a provisional licence.
Signed: Date:
Appendix 4.3.1.b – Volunteer Driver Information
Please complete if you will drive a vehicle as part of your volunteer service to the church.
Clearance must be obtained from the church’s insurance company before you drive any church vehicle. Check with the church office.
Name of Organisation:…………………………………………………………………………..
Driver’s full Name:……………………………………………………………………………….
Driver’s Licence Number:……………..……… State of Issue:…………..………………
Date of issue: ………………………………….. Expiry Date:…………………..…………
Type of licence: [ ] Car [ ] Light Rigid [ ] Medium Rigid
Do you have any restrictions on your driver’s licence? (i.e. – provisional driver , wearing glasses)
[ ] Yes If yes, please explain here: …………………………………………………………..
[ ] No
Have you been involved in any motor vehicle accidents while driving during the past 5 years?
[ ] Yes If yes, please describe each accident on a separate sheet.
[ ] No
Have you been convicted of any traffic offences (other than parking) during the last 5 years?
[ ] Yes If yes, please list number & describe each conviction on a separate sheet.
[ ] No
Is your vehicle registered?
[ ] Yes If yes, please list your registration No…………………….…
[ ] No If no, you cannot drive as a volunteer in your vehicle
Is your vehicle kept in a road worthy condition as per state laws?
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No If no, you cannot drive as a volunteer in your vehicle until repaired.
Each of my responses is truthful and accurate. I agree to notify the church within a reasonable time of any changes in the above information.
Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………
Date: ………./………./……….
Appendix 4.3.1.c – Transport Exception Form
Use this form when you wish to apply for permission to transport 2 or more young people with only 1 adult in a vehicle.
Once completed, give it to the Senior Pastor or Leader of Children & Youth Ministries. You may use the ‘pigeon holes’ in the photocopying room, but you must allow adequate time for the form to be collected and a response considered and communicated.
Approval must be received BEFORE the journey can proceed.
Date of journey: _______________
Starting point: ________________________________________________________
Finishing point: _______________________________________________________
Number of cars making the journey: _______
Estimated total number of children / young people: _______
Any other information: _________________________________________________
Signed: Date:
To be completed by Senior Pastor or Leader of Children & Youth Ministries:
Permission granted: YES / NO
Signed: Date:
Appendix 4.3.3.b – Event Permission Note template
Event Permission Note Template
I, _________________________________, the Parent / Guardian of _________________________,
age __________ years, do hereby grant permission for my child to attend [name of ministry event].
I understand that all activities will be fully supervised and Child Safety Protocol will be adhered to. In the case of an emergency, I give consent for medical care if I cannot be reached.
In case of an emergency, I can be contacted at the following phone numbers:
Mobile: ______________________________ Home: ______________________________________
Are there any medical concerns that we should be aware of: Yes _________ No _________
If Yes, please list any medical conditions: __________________________________________________________________________________
You agree that [Church ministry name], Carlingford Baptist Church, its staff and leaders, shall not be held liable for any injury or damage arising from and/or connected with this event.
Signature of Parent / Guardian: ________________________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / ___________
Appendix 4.4.a – Accident & Critical Incident Response Process
- First Aid:
Administer any First Aid necessary eg pad & compression bandage to reduce blood flow, using kits located in either kitchen until an ambulance arrives or professional medical attention is given.
- Notification:
The team leader (or another assigned leader who isn’t administering first aid) is to contact the appropriate emergency services/authorities AND contact the parents/ guardian’s emergency contacts.
In case of an emergency ring 000 for an ambulance
- Supervision:
Make sure an injured child / young person is never left alone. Our normal supervision policy should be followed eg. Minimum numbers, wherever possible.
- Closest Medical Centre/Hospital:
If an ambulance is deemed unnecessary, the closest medical centre is at Carlingford Village and the nearest hospital is Ryde Hospital, Denistone Road, Eastwood – 9874 0199. The Closest clinic is Carlingford Medical Clinic 372 Pennant Hills 87246300.
- Transportation:
Where transportation is required to be provided by the team leaders to attend a medical centre or hospital, endeavour to have 2 adults with the injured child / young person.
- Evacuation Procedure:
In the case of a critical incident that requires evacuation, observe the Emergency Evacuation Procedure.
- Report:
Please complete an Incident Report for Children & Young People and hand a copy to the Safe Church Concerns Person (Senior Pastor) and the original to the parent/caregiver.
Where the accident or critical incident involves an adult, fill in a Workplace Incident/Hazard Report form and hand to the church secretary.
Note: Both these reporting forms are found on the sill outside the admin office and in the hall kitchen.
Please refer to our WH&S policy section 6.1 ‘ Incident Investigation’ for more information on reporting and investigation of incidents
Appendix 4.4.b – Incident Report (for a child or young person)
This form is to be completed by an adult witness whenever an incident requiring medical attention occurs. The completed form should be given to the injured party, or to the parents/guardians of the child or young person, and a copy needs to be given to the Safe Church Concerns Person (Senior Pastor) and filed securely for future reference.
Name of group: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Adult supervisor: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of injured person: _____________________________________________Birth date: ___/___/____ Age: _____
Names of parents/guardians: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of incident: __________________________________________ Time of incident: ____________________________
- Describe the incident (use the back of page if necessary):
- Where in the facility did it happen?
- What area of the person’s body was injured?
- What was the person doing when the incident happened?
- How did the incident happen?
- Names of leaders supervising at the time of the incident:
- Name(s) of any other witnesses to the incident
- How did the person respond after the incident?
- Was first aid given or some other action taken? (please circle) YES NO
If yes, by whom?